Japan Times

Saturday, March 31, 2007

; (

She broke up with me. ;_; Her mother doesn't approve of foreign men and she has been lying to her the last three months since we went on our second date. Also her mother wants her to get married soon and she does as well ... so that is another problem on that end.

Sad Kermit - Hurt

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P.S. For those of you worried ... no I'm not hurting myself, but I felt the video appropriate for my feeling at the moment. That being crushed.

Friday, March 30, 2007


So my Enkai was pretty good :). My co-worker was able to get an alternate menu for me as the main menu was crabs (and I do mean Dungeoness ^^). I had several diffrent kinds of tofu in various forms of cooking, vegitable tempura, various kinds of vegis and rounded it off with cherry blossum sorbet. It was all quite yummy, although some of the vegis I'm not sure what they were and I suspect they were "forest fresh" my vegi sushi was garnished with a sprig of some sort of flowering plant and my wasbi had flowers in it XD.
Other than that the social atmosphere was a bit different. The principle of my school kept talking to me about a female ALT he had met at a diffrent function and how pretty she is and what was her and her husbands names! Before I made a slightly early exit stage left I could see many of the teachers were getting very very drunk, however my chatting buddies had left and so I got bored. Overal it was a fun/funny night and well worth the cost (thankfully).

No News

So no new info on the Yoko front. I have a feeling about it but won't give voice to it until after we get together tomorrow. She has promissed we'll talk, as last time I could tell something was up but she wouldn't talk about it. So I guess we'll see ...
Tonight is the end of the school year Enkai (work drinking party). We'll see how things turn out for that. It's a mite bit expensive and one of the teachers wasn't too sure the restraunt would be able to come up with anything vegi for me ... so I may be paying 12,000¥ ($100.84) for a whole lot of nothing (but alcohol). But, I guess we'll see how that works out. It's not so much manditory, but since at this school I have yet to be invited to an Enkai I felt that I couldn't miss the first oppertunity since it is one of the best ways to get to know the teachers I work with and around (whew if that sentence didn't kill you then you're mighty indeed). This Enkai also happens to be the "going away" party for the 11 or so teachers leaving the school after last term. In Japan you can stay at any one school for a max of 9 years. Not all the teachers have been at Ohtsu that long, but most have. So anyway this is my last chance to say goodbye to those teachers including one of the English teachers I worked with.
So other than that, this week I taught lessons Tuesday-Thursday and now I've got the rest of it off on vacation. I really don't have all that much interesting going on. On Wednesday night I watched "Pirates ..." the first one and yes the rum was gone ... because it is a vile drink that makes the most respectable men into complete scoundrels ^^. As I said earlier I'll see Yoko tomorrow and other than that no long term plans for the rest of break. I want to take a trip to Kyoto, but I have find other people to go as it's no fun to go alone. So, guess we'll see. More later about activities and I'll give an update on how the Enkai turned out.

P.S. This is a photo of scary mad Steve hair ... not sure what I'm going to do with it. (that is how it turned out after blow drying it)

Monday, March 26, 2007

... Trouble?

So saw Yoko today. I cooked us lunch and gave her some flowers and a little gift (Elmo stuffed animal from USJ and a box of macha Pocky ... she really likes that flavor ^^). We had a good time until the last 20 min or so. Then she became a bit pensive and asked me how much longer I will be in Japan and what I'll do after I leave. We had this discussion when we were just getting to know each other, but I guess our 3 month anniversary sparked the idea in her head again. I'm now sort of regretting marking the occassion :(. I'm not sure what the deal is. She had to go for her lesson before we really resolved the issue :(. Anyway a bit of a downer on a otherwise fun and happy day.

Nothing Much

Not a whole lot new going on. Kinda crazy party with the few of us around this weekend on Saturday night. Yesterday was pretty chill. Did a whole lot of nothing other than a bit of cleaning. Today I'll meet up with Yoko for a few hours :). Today is our 3 months as I said before and so I'm going to see if she's up for going out to lunch or if she'd like me to cook for her. She has been busy so haven't gotten to ask yet. If she wants to go out to lunch I have the perfect place lined up. We were suppose to go to this Macrobiotics restraunt for our second date on New Years day, but it was closed. And since we normally meet on Sundays it's closed then too. But! Since today is Monday we are in luck ^^. Anyway more later after our date.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Last day of the term

So today was the last day of the term. Spring break has offically started. However, SB is not for teachers :P ... so I have to either be bored off my ass sitting at my desk or teach adult language classes again. So ofcourse I'm gonna teach the classes and waste only 3 hours instead of 8+ a day :).
Yuriko the nice English teacher who I kinda had a thing for is indeed leaving which is sad. But, she seems to be happy with her decision and it's probably best for her since the school wasn't a good fit for her (not really for me either ... I had much more fun teaching at Shikama)
Next term is the first term so I get to see a lot of the 6th graders I taught at elementary in the junior high school setting. It will be interesting to see how that works out. The setting is very different between the two levels, even more so than in the states. Also I may or may not get a chance to teach san nen sei and also I may or may not teach with the evil witch (aka the boss of the english department). So ya next term could be very different from this term.
Not much else new going on. Yoko and I will have been dating for 3 months next Monday (well our first date was on Dec 26) and we are going to have lunch that day. I got her a little Elmo at USJ that I'm gonna give her that day (Elmo is big over here and she likes him like many women and girls in Japan). More another time.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

USJ ... fun Fun FUN!!!

So after a week and some days being deathly ill I decided to emerge on Monday to go to Red Hot Chilli Peppers. I had got the tickets over a month ago and was really bummed when I turned up sick last week and wasn't getting well the closer it got. But, I was well enough by Monday night and after a bit of prodding from my friends who also were going I headed out to Osaka. When I got there my friends had just got settled in the hotel we booked and so we grabbed a quick bite and then headed over to the Osaka Dome. We got there about 45 min late from the scheduled start and were a bit curious why it was so dead outside. When we got to the entrance it was to find ... that the show had been canceled! Aparently the lead singer got Bronchitus! Needless to say I was a bit miffed cause I wasn't 100% and here I had gone off to Osaka and paid for train all that just to be stiffed at the door. However it was probably for the best because now I can enjoy the show fully well (hopefully ^^)
Anyway because we had booked a hotel we all went back to it and crashed. The next day the Aussies had planned to go to Universal Studios Japan (USJ) so I went to bed considering going with them. The next morning the Aussies said "you're going" ... so I went :). So showed up in Universal City and I was greeted with a very familiar set up to UC in California and Florida. However there were a few more Asian people and a lot less white XD. Anyway as I'm walking toward USJ what do I spy but an SBC! (see previous blog for photos) Anyway we ended up at USJ and entered for a very reasonable 5600¥ (about 46.87 USD). USJ is very similar to US in California with the novel change of language in the mix. They have Back to the Future, ET, Jurassic Park and Backdraft all of which are in US. A new one that is in US but I had never experienced was Spiderman 3D. It is a basic fun house track ride going from room to room with stuff coming out of the walls and the car jerking and bouncing. However it had the added effect of 3D. You wear the 3D glasses used in 3D shows like T2 and such. However since the car is moving room to room and bouncing about it's like a moving live action show. So even though the ride never left the ground, through visual illusions with 3D and stratigically placed puffs or air and water, you feel like you're falling and having fire balls thrown at you and all sorts of other dangerous things happening to you. Unless you are paying attention to the lack of gravity defining jolts to your stomache you seriously think you fly up 20 stories and then comense falling from the sky. It was a very fun ride though by the end I was a bit sick to my stomache due to my antibiotics from being sick. Along with the US regulars they also had some rides not seen in US like Jaws the ride (it's a boat ride as opposed to the camio that is on the tram in US ... dunno what it's like as we didn't have the time to ride) and Experience the America (a very fun high speed roller coaster). The shows were interesting because obviously all the audio was dubbed into Japanese and or acted in Japanese. Overal it was a very enjoyable day, though by the end of it I was ready to go home because I was TIRED!
To those of you asking me to post more often I'll try and show love more often :). More later.

SBC ... crazyness

So SBC may play second fiddle in Seattle these day but that is no bar to globalization! I have found 4 SBC stands and now two SBC stores here in Japan. The first is in Kobe and now on my trip to USJ (more about that in later blog) in Osaka. Vashon is world famous!!! :)

Yoko's new hair

So I got a request for a picture of Yoko's new hair style. So here it is. She actually looks even better in this photo than when I saw her this last weekend so I sorta revise my last statement that I liked her hair straight better. Anyway, next blog later today hopefully and it'll be about my adventures over the last few day! :P
Oh btw feeling much much better. Probably in the 97% range. Still got a bit of stomache issue and the nasal congestion isn't all gone yet, but in the whole I can function and the worst issue of not being able to swallow is completely gone! :)

Monday, March 19, 2007

Better ...

So feeling a bit better today. I admit I'm a bit doped up on the drugs that the doctor gave me ... but as the ones before did nothing for me it is an improvement these do do something. Also I think that even before I took the drugs I was feeling a bit better.
I would also like to take a moment to congradulate Jessica on finally getting her own place with Sauv. When I come back to visit this summer I expect to get a tour Jessica! :)
Off to reschedule an appointment I was suppose to have later this week, but feel would be better to do once I'm fully well. Laters :).

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Still dying ...

Yep, still sick. BUT! I am hoping that I hit a turning point this morning cause I've felt a bit better today. By no means 100% but considering I was at like 50% now I'm at maybe 65%. Had to take off school last Thursday and Friday and now I'll probably take off Monday at least of this coming week.
On the sad note of my continued illness I was suppose to go to Red Hot Chilli Peppers tomorrow night. I'm thinking that is a bad idea though :(. Which sucks cause I have the tickets and the hotel room and now not sure what to do with them. Not to mention I was looking forward to doing something social that didn't revolve around drinking and/or Kareoke.
I saw Yoko yesterday. We were suppose to go to Osaka because Friday was her birthday. But what with me kicking the bucket that kinda put a damper on that so we'll have to do a rain check. She came over to my apartment instead and we watch The Incredibles which she had never seen and really enjoyed. Afterward she made me some soup, which I attribute to mmy better health today. On Thursday she got a new hair style, which interpretted into a trim and a perm. She looks as lovely as ever, but I have to admit I liked her hair straight more :).

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

So I'm dying ...

Not really, but I feel like it. I have Tonsillitis and my neck is roughly twice the size it normally is. I went to the doctor today after suffering through a day at work and having a very difficult time swallowing. The good news is I have the next few days off. The bad news is, it hurts like heck >.< ! I know you all are calling me a wuss, but I wouldn't wish this illness on anyone else ... well maybe a few select people. Anyway thats the brief up date. If any of you feel like chatting I'll probably be off and on on the computer tomorrow and Friday.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Well now ...

So this morning was interesting. Last night I went out with my neighbors and Chelsea brought her friend from Arizona out with us. He just flew in that day so he was a bit tired. However, Chelsea felt the best way to get over the jet lag would be a night of partying before heading to Hiroshima today. Anyway we got home probably around 3 am. So I went to my apartment and fell asleep ... BUT! At about 5:30 am I was rudely awakend by Joe (Chelsea's friend). Apparently he wandered out of Chelsea's room and thought mine was her's. However he was a bit disoreniented and thought my patio window was the exit and he crashed repeatedly into it before giving up and wandering about my apartment. Then he had to use the restroom, but he again thought my patio door was the magic door to my bathroom. So he crashed into my window again and proceeded to pee in the corner of my room! After that he decided to take issue with some of my food in my kitchen and spread it around the floor in hall and my shower. It wasn't until he started flipping the lights on and off that I realized I wasn't having a fucked up dream, but was infact experiencing reality. At some point during his brief tour of my room he took off his pants and shirt and so I went next door to give them back and ask Chelsea if I could get some help cleaning up the mess Joe made. She was very very appologetic and helped clean up the mess and mopp-up/disinfect the piss.
Other than that my life has been pretty boring over here. Work for this term is almost over. This coming Tuesday is the graduation of the 3rd years at my junior high school. Starting to plan what I'll do for Spring Break and all that and other than that nothing all that interesting on the work side of things.
Next weekend is Yoko's birthday so we are going to Osaka for the day. I'm taking her to lunch and then we're going to check out the aquarium. It should be fun and I'm looking forward to seeing her because she was busy this weekend and I didn't see her like usual. Anyway thats all for now.