So lots to tell since my last blog. My new school is going ok and I'll talk about it more later in this blog. Last Thursday and Friday I had a very boring confrence in Kobe for JET. It was the mid-year confrence and we discussed effect teaching plans and idea for teaching English classes almost conpletely in English (ie. no Japanese translation). The concept was good, but there was a lot of lecture on stuff to go along with the measley 3 hours or so of workshops over the two days. The only good thing is I didn't have to go into work either day.
So onto more news. Last weekend held two dates (yeah tricked you into thinking this wouldn't be a love life update didn't I). My first one was coffee with Yuriko. For those of you playing along at home that makes a Yoriko, Yoko and now a Yuriko. Yuriko is an English teacher at my new school. She is 26 and spent 10 months studying abroad in Canada. I won't go into more details about her likes and the such but we passed a nice 5 hours or so starting with coffee and then moving to dinner. One of our main topics was the "boss" English teacher who sits next to me in the staff room. Now being a foreigner she seemed to me to be a bit of a sour-poose, but I just chalked it up to being an outsider. However upon my discussion with Yuriko apparently she IS a bitch and everyone knows it. In fact thats what Yuriko calls her in her head XD. So anyway needless to say I was a bit upset by this revolation seeing as how I have to work with her til the middle of July (the bitch not Yuriko). Also Yuriko is considering quiting Ohtsu and moving back home and looking for a part-time teaching job. She doesn't subscribe to the work-o-holic attitude of the older generation in Japan and so being part-time would allow her a life (yes imagine that a life). She is also looking to go to graduate school outside of Japan (I've been talking up schools in the states, but she'd have to take the GRE to go to them ... I've already volunteered to help her study and take them with her cause hey I might need the score in the future anyway if the UW continue to be asses). So we had a good time. She has a good laugh. This coming Saturday night we are going to go into Kobe and go to the Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner. She happend to mention that she misses OSF from her time in Canada so ... eh whats a guy to do :).
My second date of the weekend was coffee with Yoko on Sunday afternoon. We had a good time together as always and she decided that my Macha (green tea) was better than her coffee so I gave her mine :). We chatted a bit about the usual. Unfortunately she is uber busy this weekend so I can't see her, but I've been trying to find an hour or two to get together for coffee during the week either this week or next week. Only three more weekends til her recital and then she'll be less busy. She already has told me she'd like to help me track down Takuma (my home stay brother) and family. Also we are planning to spend some of our time together helping each other study Japanese and English :).
Anyway thats the update. More later!