Nike+ Number One Hundred Seventy-Eight
So this last weekend I had my first semi-private with the couple that is friends with my co-worker’s aunt. Along with the couple I also helped their grand daughter with “travel English.” The main reason that asked my co-worker for help was because they like to travel and want to improve their English to better enjoy themselves in places like the US. Mostly I spent the lesson with ‘read and repeat’ exercises, but even so it wasn’t that boring. I have another lesson this Tuesday evening and we’ll see how that one goes.
So not a whole lot to report, but I did have something odd happen Friday. It was about 30 minutes before I left work and my fellow Japanese English teacher turned to me and told me that her aunt's friend wants to learn English. My thought was "good for her, why are you telling me this?" Then she goes on to ask when can I start. "Hold up a moment" flashes through my head. "When was it that I said I was looking for more work and what makes you think I would be a good teacher for this/these people, who I know nothing about including not knowing what their English level is?" In any case I have a private lesson with these two mysterious people this coming Tuesday evening. We shall see how it goes.
So not really much to update, but since I'm sure a complaint about my lack of posting is soon to be forthcoming I figured I'd posted anyway. The biggest news of the past week was on Thursday (Wednesday there) I had a phone interview with the UW for their Master's in Education program. MIT for short, sounds cooler that way anyway :). I think it went fairly well. It was about 30 minutes on the phone and they asked me various questions. The one question I'm not so sure I did well with was they asked me "With your background in science and math, why didn't you apply to the secondary ed. program and specialize?" My answer was that I was an ace at both those subjects in high school, but when I hit college I felt my grades slipped and so rather than apply for a secondary ed position and have poor scores in my specialty I went elementary ed. Anyway, not much else to report. Hope all is well back home and I'll see you (whoever you may be) in a few months maybe.