Japan Times

Friday, September 22, 2006

Mt. Shosha

So I visited Mt. Shosha yesterday. Now I'm quite sure no one has the slightest clue what or where that is, so I shall explain. Mt. Shosha is perhaps Himeji's best kept secret. It's a huge shito shrine complex. It probably covers nearly 100 acre on the top of a mountain (who knew!) near Himeji. Thats all fine and dandy, but it also has a restraunt run by some of the monks, which serves only vegitarian food! Now I am the first to admit I don't particularly like "rabbit food," but the stuff they served was excellent. There was sesamee covered squash (yep I ate squash and liked it!), various vegies in sauces and a little bit of tempura. There was more food than you can shake a stick at! Lol, I admit it was very fresh and if there was any preservatives in the entire meal I'm a roast yam. But! It was perhaps one of the best nearly vegan meals I've had (it had a bit of egg in one of the many dishes).

I have lots of pictures including some of the meal spread, but you'll have to continue to wait cause my card reader is in the mail still. Unfortunately Amazon.jp.co seems to be back-ordered on the item I want so it isn't expected to ship for another few weeks :(. Sorry! I'm working on it and believe you me you'll have plenty to look at once I can start pulling things from my phone.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Today was a very short day for me, which was awesome! Short meaning I only had to teach two classes but had to stay until 4 as per usual. I was soo tired this morning; I stayed up way too late chatting with a girl from my apartment. That seems to be a bad habit I’ve picked up … but 5:30 rolls around way too early ☹. At least now I am officially over the hump. I only have 3 more days to go till I get a nice break. My “love life” continues to be turbulent. I still have a crush on a girl from Seattle and the girl from the east coast as well, but now I have met a potential Mrs. Robinson … so that throws things out of whack. To add to that there is another girl from Canada, which I’m not sure about, and not sure how she views me. This is the same girl that dubbed me “Scary Spice” at Karaoke. As far as everything else my life is pretty tame at the moment. No big parties planned for the moment since school is going on. Although I am waiting for the axe to fall about my first enkai … ☺ that should be fun!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Tea Ceremony

So I had the pleasure of visiting the tea ceremony club today. I was kind of cool to see the traditional way to prepair and serve green tea. Plus we got really 甘い (sweet) bean deserts to go with it. My sweet tooth was quite satisfied after one of them ... though they don't hold a candle to chocolate, but they didn't pretend to either. Other than that my day at school was pretty good. I think I'm getting the hang of this whole "team teaching" thing :). The school seems happy with me too which is always good too. So now there are 4 more days to go until my "weekend" but at least I'm mostly half way done ^^.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


So last night was my second run at the big K word over here! I made all you homies back home proud and was dubbed the nickname "Scary Spice" ... lol. It might have something to do with the fact that all the guy songs I chose I was horrible at, but once we took a trip back to the 80's and 90's I was able to sing songs by MC Hammer, Ace of Base, Fugies, Spice Girls and many more truely masculine peoples. But, it was fun even if by the end my face was burning from the girl next to me (Janet ... a fellow JET) calling me "Scary Spice" after a truely spectatular preformance of "Oops I did it again." More to be publish later on other scary days in Steve's World.

Monday, September 11, 2006


So this weekend it was all about the Kalibunga Dude! I went to Owaji and went surfing with a group of 9 other JETs. We had a blast, but now I'm feeling like I've been beaten up by the Han and Franz :(. No pain no gain though right? The surf was way up this weekend. I was able to pretend I could surf by clinging to my board and riding the waves in ... when I was lucky enough to catch them! Even so I feel that a boxer had a good time working me over this weekend because I HURT a lot. Have I mentioned how much I want to sleep too :( Well I really really feel a nap is in order at least 10 minutes out of the day everyday at school ∑;) Currently the count on books read at school is 3 with another 2 in the works. I figure by the end of the week I'll have at least 6 done at the rate I go through them. I'm still working on finding a way to up load pictures from my trip without using my entire months allowance for my keitai (cell phone) mailing em to myself ... you guys will have to wait a bit longer. Hopefully I'll get a rythm going for posting blogs so you guys won't be too bored ... LATER!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Post #1

So this will be a very brief post, but I figure I'll have many more posts in the near future when I'm bored at work! So anyway welcome to my blog. This is Steve Harvey's blog in Japan during JET, if this not where you want to be ... WHO CARES! Enjoy all the antics I'm sure to post.