Hello all my friendly readers. How are you doing? Me? I'm ok. Life continues to move ahead and summer draws ever closer. I am looking forward to Eric's visit as I haven't seen him in over a year. Also I am looking forward to seeing all your smiling faces in the states when I come to visit. Just a reminder I will be in town August 3rd-August 20 (so August 4th-August 19th would be the dates I'm really around unless you want to see me the night I fly in or the morning I fly out). The first week I'm home the day time hours are pretty much booked up with work (gotta teach lifeguarding if I want to keep my certs), but the second week I should have more time off. So give me a holla if you want to see me in the evening or during the day my second week home.
Now down to business. School is ok. I am able to create lesson plans more often that seem to interest the students and make it easier to teach. I recently purchased some teaching materials for my weekend classes that will start this coming Saturday. I am getting very nervous about that. It will be the first completely solo teaching experience with elementary school kids I will have had over here. In the past I have always had another teacher in the room to fall back on. I'm sure it will work out well, but that doesn't keep me from stressing to the max!
Other than that not much new to report. My girlfriend situation remains stagnant and will probably stay that way for a while more unless one of my prospects suddenly becomes less busy. At the moment I would prefer it to be Yoriko or Yuriko but one is busy all the time it seems and the other lives two hours away. One of my neighbors said he'd introduce me to a friend of his who works at Tiger (a local bar), but she seems to be busy as well so I'm just letting things flow and see what happens.
I guess that's all for now. Catch you next time on "In the Life of Steve"