Japan Times

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Long time ...

So sorry for the long time between posts. I've been busy with many things and have not taken the time while I've been home. Gomene... So what has been going on since the last post you ask? Well here is a run down.
My school had their sports day event on the 4th of October. My school had it late because we had construction at the school during the summer holidays so the students had no time to practice til school started in September. Ours was rather tame compared to the others I've seen. We had the normal races 50M 100M 200M 400M 1000M 1500M 4X100 4X200. But most schools have several silly relays too. My school only had one silly relay per class and then two group funny relays. All in all it was fun though. I competed with the kiddies in the 400M race. I did quite well I think coming in at 59seconds. I was suffering at the end. I truely did the GAMBATE! After sports day that night all the teachers went to an enkai (work drinking party). It was funny to see all my serious teachers fucked up XD.
I've started at my elementary school snow too. I've gone to each of them once and this week I will return to Minami Otsu. They are both fun to visit, but I'm not sure if I could handle being at them full time. The students are fun, but the teachers are much more difficult to comunicate with so it makes my job a whole lot harder.
Last weekend I participated in the shrine festival in my neighborhood. It was a lot of fun and I admit I got very smashed (literally and figuratively my shoulder stil hurt a few days ago). The idea is there is a spirit that comes out once a year during the harvest and gets together with a bunch of other spirits. So the Japanese carry around these large portable shrines and show the spirit a good time. Course the spirits get into tussles so thats where we peons come in we carry the shrines and mash em together in shrine fights. It was quite fun, though I'm sure the alcohol helped to allow it to be more fun cause the shrines are heavy and hurt resting on my tall shoulders XD.
This weekend I visited briefly at another shrine festival a Japan renound one. Unfortunately I forgot my camera >.< I was there yesterday and truth be told it wasn't much diffrent from my local one so the pictures won't really be missed. The main event was today when the "fighting festival happend" Supposedly at this one the shrines take over 100 people to move each and there have been know to be serious injuries done to people mashed between them by accident. Unfortunately even though I was invited to watch by the Mayor of Nada I wasn't able to go because I promissed to go to a wedding party for a friend I met over the summer. One of my students Tomiko was married on Oct. 1 and today was th party for it. It was great fun and two other people, Jane and John Roy, went to the party too.
So there is the run down on the past few weeks and I'll try and be more dilegent on keeping all you many readers (prolly few few if any >.<) up to date on my doings. Cheers!


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